Rhineland-Palatinate is the home base of our law firm.
At present, the dynamic federal state is on everyone's lips - not only because of Donald Trump's family background. The Mainz-based company BioNTech, together with Pfizer, has achieved a breakthrough in the development of a vaccine against the corona virus.
In the new presidential team of Biden and Harris, Harris represents the changing demographic structure of US society: Today, 72% of the US population are still white people of non-Hispanic origin. After 2050 this part of the population will be the minority.
This change will also shape the future economic relations of the United States with Europe. European companies will have to actively seek business in the United States and must not build on old cultural ties between the Americans and their European home.
Nevertheless, the outcome of the elections and the change of power is an opportunity to revitalize and strengthen transatlantic trade relations, which are and will remain important for companies in Rhineland-Palatinate. If trade restrictions of the Trump era can be removed again, new market opportunities will arise for the economy in Rhineland-Palatinate.
We at KUNZ help you with our competence team "International Business" to develop and organize your foreign business.
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