Insurance and Liability

In our competence team for insurance and liability law we currently combine the expertise of

  • 7 specialist lawyers for insurance law
  • 4 specialist lawyers for medical law
  • 2 specialist lawyers for traffic law.

Thus quality is not only claimed but also put into practice.

In its current issue (issue 06/2020), the business magazine Capital named our department for insurance and liability law as one of the twenty "Best Law Firms 2020 in the Field of Insurance Law" (more information: here).

We represent and advise our clients before and out of court on all insurance and liability law issues throughout Germany. Depending on the area concerned, in addition to the original insurance law expertise, the focus is often on completely different competences. While broad medical expertise is indispensable in the area of personal insurance (occupational disability, accident, health insurance, etc.), medical liability and the handling of other personal injuries, property/casualty insurance often requires special technical expertise from the lawyer.

For its part, Transport and transport liability insurance, requires in-depth knowledge of transport and forwarding law, whereas a thorough understanding of commercial and tax law is often necessary for the successful processing of insurance claims in financial loss insurance, especially D&O insurance. Each of our expert lawyers has therefore specialised in specific insurance lines and liability issues.

The particular size of our team for insurance and liability law as well as the double qualifications of most of our lawyers enable us to offer our clients the appropriate specialist for every question and for every aspect of life.  

Another focus is the consultation on the drafting and the conclusion of insurance contracts as well as advising for insurance brokers.

KUNZ news on our area of competence „Insurance and Liability”


Our " Insurance and Liability" team is particularly active in the following areas:

Extrajudicial Representation and Litigation throughout Germany in all lines of Insurance, in particular

  • Occupational Disability Insurance
  • Private Accident Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Private Health Insurance
  • Third-Party Liability Insurance
  • Fire Insurance, Residential Building Insurance, Household Insurance
  • Motor Insurance
  • Transport and Transport Liability Insurance
  • D&O Insurance
  • Legal Expenses Insurance

Consultation and Representation in the Conclusion and Drafting of Insurance Contracts throughout Germany

Consultation and Representation of Insurance Brokers throughout Germany

Extrajudicial Representation and Litigation throughout Germany in cases of serious/severe Personal Injury

Extrajudicial Representation and Litigation throughout Germany in all cases of Claims and Liability, in particular

  • Liability of Doctors and Manufacturers of Medical Devices
  • Liability of Tax Consultants
  • Liability for Road Traffic/Traffic Accidents
  • Violation of Traffic Safety Obligations
  • Liability in the Railway industry
  • Professional Liability of Notaries, Lawyers, Auditors, Architects

Complementary Legal Services in the field of Insurance/Liability

  • Compliance
  • Award of Insurance/Tender for Insurance Services
  • Distribution Rights


WirtschaftsWoche Ranking: KUNZ is "TOP Law Firm Insurance Law 2020"

Next big success for the insurance law department of KUNZ. Once again, KUNZ was named "TOP Law Firm Insurance Law" and KUNZ partner Dr. Fuchs was named "TOP Lawyer Insurance Law 2020" by WirtschaftsWoche.

Read more

Dr. jur. Carsten Fuchs

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for insurance law
Specialist lawyer for medical law

Dominic Steinborn

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law
Specialist lawyer for insurance law
Lecturer at the TH Köln (2014-2019)
Certified Compliance Officer (TÜV Rheinland)

Dr. jur. Ira Ditandy

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for administrative law
Specialist lawyer for insurance law

Michael Spurzem

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for insurance law

Alexander Baulig

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for insurance law
Specialist lawyer for medical law

Christian Rech

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for insurance law
Specialist lawyer for medical law

Stefan Ströhm

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)

Arnold Neuhaus

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for labor law
Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
Specialist lawyer for medical law

Georg Kaiser

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
Specialist lawyer for tax law
Specialist lawyer for inheritance law
Lecturer Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Michael Scheid

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law
Specialist lawyer for traffic law

Kirsten Prusseit

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for medical law

Alexander Hof

Office Manager
Administrator for road traffic matters and traffic accident cases

Marc Werdein

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law
Specialist lawyer for insurance law

Wolfgang Sarx

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)

Jürgen Knorre

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for transport and forwarding law

Clemens Laubenstein

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Specialist lawyer for insurance law

Gabriele Kaeser

Salary Partner
Attorney-at-Law (Germany)
Commercial Mediator (Steinbeis)

Thomas Enderlein

Attorney-at-Law (Germany)

Non-Binding and Free Initial Assessment

You are invited to ask our team for insurance and liability law for a non-binding and free initial assessment of the chances of success of your case before entering into a formal engagement. We will try to reply within 24 hours or call back within the same time. We will be happy to take the time to show you the chances and risks, the expected costs, and the obligation to take out any legal expenses insurance. We are looking forward to your enquiry. You can find information on the processing of your data when using this contact form under the menu item data protection.

