Employment and Employees
Especially larger and medium-sized companies including regional banking institutions, corporations, executive bodies (supervisory boards, advisory boards, management boards, managing directors), freelancers, civil servants, independent works and staff councils, employees, and executives can trust and rely on our team of eight experienced lawyers specialising in employment and civil service law and our outstanding expertise and experience in all employment law issues.
We solve complex tasks and conduct critical negotiations with a high degree of specialisation and a clear view of the overall task. Our practical knowledge and expertise in various industries as well as our ability and experience in all negotiating situations are essential for the success of our clients.
Our competence team in employment law is regularly awarded by expert juries: In the Focus Law Firm Ranking, KUNZ is one of "Germany's Top Commercial Law Firms 2020" in employment law (issue: Focus-Recht-Spezial 2020).
Following a survey by the Handelsblatt Research Institue (HRI), the current WirtschaftsWoche Ranking 2020 lists us as "TOP Law Firm 2020 in Employment Law" and the partners Tim Schwarzburg and Marcus Menster are listed as "TOP Lawyers in Employment Law".
KUNZ news on our area of competence „Employment and Employees”
here you can find judgements on employment and employees
Our " Employment and Employees" team is particularly active in the following areas:
Collective Bargaining Rights, Employee Participation in Companies, Departments, Enterprises and Groups of Companies
- Strategies in Dealing with Employee Representatives
- Devising Operational Changes, Reconciliation of Interests and Social Plan
- Flexible Remuneration and Working Time Models, Employee Participation
- Shop Agreements, Public Service Agreements and Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Conciliation Boards
- Company Pacts for Work
- Transfer and Qualification Company
- Supervisory Board and Advisory Board
Legal Proceedings, Conciliation Boards, Administrative Proceedings
- Legal Representation in Judgement and Decision-Making Proceedings throughout Germany
- Consultation on and Participation in Conciliation Board Proceedings throughout Germany
- Preparation and Supervision of Mediation and Arbitration Proceedings
- Supervision of Official Permission and Approval Procedures
- Representation in Proceedings before Work Safety Authorities